
Monday, October 11, 2010

When the rebellion broke out . . .

. . . we were informed with a great flourish of trumpets by those who sympathized with it, that the Southern men were fighting men – Northern men were not – that one of the former could whip from two to five of the latter, and a great deal more of the same sort.  Now that we have whipped them everywhere on every field, upon land and water – now that it has been satisfactorily demonstrated that Northern troops will fight, and to say the very least, will fight as well as the Southern, these driveling tories have changed their tune.  We hear no more about one secesh licking two Yankees.  But they tell us now, you can destroy their armies and navies, but you cannot conquer them (the secesh).  They never will give up.  Instead of dying in the last ditch, as was first intended, the chivalry, it seems are resolved to enter upon a guerrilla warfare, burning their cotton and sugar, devastating and destroying their own country, hiding themselves amid the ruins, and stealthily playing the assassin wherever the can.  Let them try this kind of warfare and see how they like it. – Let us see who can play at it the longest  and who make most by it.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 17, 1862, p. 1

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