
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Change Of Prison

The Hundred and Fifty odd Yankee officers, including generals, majors, colonels, lieutenants, and captains, were yesterday removed from their quarters on eighteenth street, and more closely confined in the noted Libby prison, corner of Twentieth and Cary streets, which is now nearly emptied of the Yankee wounded.  The officers left their rather comfortable quarters reluctantly, but the misconduct of some of them rendered the change necessary and imperative.  Their personal effects – cots, lounges and baggage – were all removed with them, and carts were running all day between the two places.  It is to be hoped if their comfort is not enhanced here, their security will be. – Richmond Examiner.

– Published in The Daily Rebel, Chattanooga, Tennessee, August 9, 1862, p. 3

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