
Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Confederate Arsenal and Armory at . . .

. . . Fayetteville, N. C., may now be said to be in full blast; at least there is nothing pertaining to the Minnie rifle and sabre bayonet that cannot be manufactured there.  A good deal of the machinery and many of the tools are new, and equal to any in the world.  A few days since a large lot of rifles manufactured at the Armory, was sent to the Chief of Ordinance, Richmond, Va.

Besides making new ones and altering old arms, the force at the Armory had been engaged lately in restoring and putting in order several thousand Enfield and Belgian rifles, swords, sabres and bayonets, and also several boxes of pistols received from the Modern Greece, considerably damaged.  They will soon be restored to their original appearance and condition by the industry and skill of the mechanics engaged.

– Published in The Daily Rebel, Chattanooga, Tennessee, August 9, 1862, p. 3

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