
Monday, November 29, 2010

From Cairo

(Special to the Hawk-Eye.)

CAIRO, May 14.

The steamers Memphis and Thomas, just arrived from Pittsburg Landing, bring little news of importance.  The Memphis brings 400 sick.

Deserters from Corinth are coming in hourly.  They report 200,000 men under Beauregard, and say our forces are reported to them at 350,000.

The woods about Corinth were full of deserters.  A Mississippi Regiment is placed as guard.  Thirty dollars was offered for the arrest of each deserter.

The Memphis Avalanche says the Federal fleet was returning to New Orleans, and glories over the late victory at Fort Pillow – says they lost two men killed and eight wounded.


CAIRO, May 15.

Gen. Mitchell has reached Corinth, bringing over two thousand prisoners, taken in Alabama.

The rebel cavalry are roving over the country, between the Tennessee and Mississippi rivers, doing what damage they can, and keeping the inhabitants in constant terror.

Gov. Yates and staff arrived this evening on a special train, on their way to Shiloh.

The Gunboat Louisville has rejoined the fleet.

The rebels tried to shell our mortar fleet which lay behind Craigheld’s point, but it remained uninjured.

The gunboat Mound City will soon be ready for active service again.

A secret letter of Jeff. Davis has reached us.  He calls for deeds of patriotism and hopes to receive dispatches of success.


– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 17, 1862, p. 3

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