
Sunday, November 28, 2010

From Fort Pillow

Flotilla off Ft. Wright, On board Steamer John Dickey, May 12, 8 A. M., via Cairo, May 13 – The rebels are reported as in an active state of preparation for the resumption of the fight near the fort.

A rebel deserter reports their rams not sunk but merely scattered. They are sawing busily to make good the damage, and promise to come again this morning. They are fully posted as to the damage done our fleet.

An officer of one of the Union boats took an observation yesterday and confirms the report of deserters as regards the floating condition of the rams.

Our own rams and more gunboats are hourly expected. Capt. Stemble is not as badly injured as was first supposed, and hopes are entertained of his recovery. Mosier is suffering greatly.

The rebels have not yet made good their promise to come again and fight the battle over.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 3

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