
Monday, November 15, 2010

List of letters remaining in the Post Office . . .

. . . at Oceola [sic], Iowa on Jan. 1, 1863, and which will be sent to the Dead Letter Office if not called for within two moths.

Constant, Mrs. Eliza
Combs, Mrs. Carrie
Hudgel, Thomas
Hobbs, W. T.
Hobbs, James C.
Heaton, Mrs. Emmeretta
Heston, Thomas
Likes, Mrs. Louisa C.
Mize, Wm. H.
Manson, Allen
Michel, Miss. Martha
Prugh, Jacob
Robinson, Miss Liva J.
Runals, Mary E.
Reacy, Miss Ellen. (Uncertain)
Starky, Levi
Southard, Mis Delia (Due 3 cents)
Smith, Mrs. Anne
Thompson, John
Trip, Uzial
Trumbo, Jane
Warford, Abraham
Williams, John W.
Wilson, Mr.
Williams, George B.
White, Isaiah

Persons calling for the above will please say ADVERTISED.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, January 3, 1863

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