
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More Deserters

A gentleman from Cumberland Mountain yesterday brought in three Yankee prisoners who had delivered themselves up to him, and requested themselves to be delivered to the military authorities.  They are from a Kentucky regiment, and represent that there are hundreds of their comrades who will desert on the first opportunity, and say that the whole Yankee army is at present in a very demoralized condition sick and tired of the war.  Two of them had on citizens’ clothes, the other was in uniform, but they all told the gentleman who and what they were.  On being asked where they got citizens’ clothes, they replied from two discharged soldiers, which goes to show that the discharged Yankee soldiers are not only goad to get out of the service, but are disposed to assist anyone else who desire to leave, no matter if it is as deserters.  They also state that bitter feeling exists between the troops of Kentucky and those of the abolition States, growing out of the emancipation and abolition policy of the Yankee government.  So strong is this feeling growing that it is with difficulty the Kentuckians and the abolition troops are kept from engaging in fights daily.

– Published in The Daily Rebel, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Saturday, August 9, 1862, p. 2

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