
Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Orleans


Thanks to the precautions taken by the authorities and to the good sense and unshrinking patriotism of our citizens, by whom the authorities are efficiently supported in their efforts for the preservation of peace and the protection of property, the city at a late hour last night was peaceful and quiet as a country hamlet – as quiet as though no extraordinary excitement prevailed throughout the day; in fact, it was much quieter than in ordinary times.

New Orleans, in this hour of adversity, by the calm dignity she displays in the presence of the enemy, by the proof she gives of her unflinching determination to sustain the uttermost the righteous cause for which she has done so much and made such great sacrifices, by her serene endurance undismayed of the evil which afflicts her, abiding confidence in the not distant coming of better and brighter days of speedy deliverance from the enemy’s toils – is showing a bright example to her sister cities, and proving herself, in all respects worthy of the proud reception she has achieved.  We glory in being a citizen of this great metropolis


On application to Gens. Juge and Maignan, the troops under their command, consisting of the European Brigade, were placed by the authorities in charge of the peace of the city last night.  They commenced their patrol about sun down, and still maintain it, for the preservation of order and private and public property.

The Provost Marshals suggest, in a proclamation issued yesterday that the family grocers and bakers keep open their stores and shops as usual.  This course is absolutely necessary to adopt, as otherwise those dependent upon such sources for supplies will be subjected to the severest suffering.

We learn that dealers in provisions and other necessary articles of trade refuse in some cases to receive Confederate money in payment for their goods.  This is very reprehensible, and is the cause of no little distress to poor people, who on the faith of the representations made to them by the authorities, have taken that money, and have now no other.

During the confusion incident to the events of yesterday license was taken by many persons to possess themselves of articles of private property from the levee and the stores and warehouses in the vicinity.  The Mayor has issued a proclamation warning all such to restore those articles to his office upon penalty of being proceeded against to the full extent of the law.

The Mayor of the city requests the services of all the order loving and law abiding citizens to assist the police in the protection of property, and the preservation of peace and quiet in the city.

It is also suggested by the authorities that all citizens not connected with the public service to retire to their homes at or before 9 o’clock P. M. – {N. O. Picayune

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 17, 1863, p. 2

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