
Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Richmond Enquirer . . .

after alluding to the steps taken by the President relative to the orders issued by Pope and Steinne [it] says:

We take occasion to say that the President is also demanding redress for the outrages of the enemy in other quarters. * * *

We have authority for saying that communications were sent to the Lincoln Government some week since, respecting the execution of Mumford, at New Orleans, and other outrages committed by the Yankee Generals, but no reply has yet been received.  Another demand has recently been made in regard to them and the additional atrocities perpetrated by Lincoln officers in different parts of the Confederate States.  A short time has been given to the Federal authorities within which to reply before orders will be issued for the execution of the measures necessary for the repression of these outrages also.

– Published in The Daily Rebel, Chattanooga, Tennessee, August 9, 1862, p. 2

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