
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Theodore F. Boggs Dead

We are deeply pained to chronicle the news that another member of Co. E, of the ever glorious Iowa Second, is dead. Theodore F. BOGGS died on Monday last, at the residence of his brother-in-law, James FEGAN, from the effects of a wound received at the Pittsburg battle. The wound was in the hand; Erysipelas broke out on his arm, which was much inflamed. The arm had been repeatedly lanced in the hope of doing good. The best of attention was given him, but his time had come. From the time of his arrival here on the 23d ult., he suffered terribly, and had wasted away to almost a shadow. At one o'clock on the 13th inst. he was released from his sufferings. During the greater part of his sickness he was delirious, and often called upon the various members of his company by name.

On Tuesday at 11 o'clock the burial took place. Rev. J. H. Rhea delivered an excellent discourse on the occasion. The members of Co. E, at home on furlough, and others, turned out, and escorted the corpse to its last resting place with military honors. At the grave Rev. R. Wilkinson delivered a short and impressive benediction, after which the mortal remains of the brave lad were hid forever from mortal view. Mr. BOGGS was in the 23d year of his age, and had endeared himself to a circle of friends. He was quiet and unassuming, and much liked by the members of his company.

– Published in the Fairfield Ledger, Fairfield, Iowa, Thursday, May 15, 1862, p. 3, col. 1.  transcription courtesy of Richard K. Thompson who posted it on

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