
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We see in the Cleveland Banner of the 7th . . .

. . . that a battle was reported as going on between Gen. Stephenson’s brigade and about 4,000 Federals on Clinch river, since which we have learned, from a reliable source, a confirmation of the rumor, and that it was quite an important affair, and, so far as heard from, decidedly in our favor.  We will await further particulars of this flank movement of Gen. Stephenson before giving all that is current on the street.  The Mobile papers have telegrams in relation to it, but we cannot understand how they are permitted to receive war intelligence from this section of Tennessee before either the Knoxville or Chattanooga papers.

– Published in The Daily Rebel, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Saturday, August 9, 1862, p. 2

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