
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Arrival of the Asia

NEW YORK, Feb. 15.

The Asia from Liverpool, on the first, via Queenstown on the second inst.; has arrived.  Her dates are one day later.


MADRID, Feb. 2.

The Sumter is still at Gibralter [sic].

Don Almonte, Mexican Minister, has arrived at Trieste, and has been received by the Arch Duke Maximilian.

The Austrian Gazette mentions the re-appointment of the Arch-Duke Maximilian as commodore of the Austrian Navy, and contradicts the report representing the scheme to place him on the throne of Mexico.

PARIS, 2d. – The Independence Belge asserts that the Southern Commissioners have informed the English government that in return for the recognition of the Southern Confederacy they would establish most absolute free trade for fifty years, abolish the external slave traffic, and emancipate all the blacks born after the recognition.  These offers, however, will not tetermine Lord Palmerston to abandon the policy of neutrality.

LONDON, 2d. – The proposition of Mr. Gregory for a recognition of the South will be discussed soon after the opening of Parliament.  An interesting and excited debate and rejection of the proposal is expected.

LIVERPOOL, 1st. – Breadstuffs quiet and steady.  Provisions quiet.

LONDON, 1st. – Consols 29 7-8a93 for money.  I. O. shares 42 1-2a43; discount Erie 39a39 1-2.

PARIS, 1st. – Rentes 711. 5c.

BOMBAY, 13th. – The exportation of salt petre from India, except to British ports is prohibited.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, February 17, 1862, p. 1

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