
Monday, December 27, 2010

Charlie Comly

The good-natured face of the gentleman, whose name is above mentioned, will be remembered by many of our citizens from having served in the capacity of “local” to this paper, some two or three years since.  It will also be recollected that Charlie was taken prisoner after a hard fight – “the only man who did fight,” said the enemy – at Chickamacomico last summer.  We had understood that he had been sent with other prisoners to South Carolina, but this proves to be an error.  In a letter to his mother; received a few days since, he says that he is still at Richmond, and has been treated in all respects as a gentleman.  This may be so, but still as his letter had to be inspected before being mailed, perhaps it was policy for him to disguise his real situation.  As Charlie is a citizen of Iowa, by virtue of several years’ residence here, Senator Harlan has promised to intercede for his exchange and we may expect ere long to hear of him again fighting for the maintenance of the Union.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, February 17, 1862, p. 1

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