
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fatal Accident in Jefferson County --- Three Persons Drowned

We are pained to hear of an accident in Jefferson county, Sunday evening last, by which three persons lost their lives.  Mr. Ed. W. Culbertson, son of Col. Culbertson of Fairfield, Miss Maggie Nesbitt and Miss Hannier, in a carriage, while attempting to cross Cedar Creek, Sunday evening at 5 o’clock, were all drowned.  Young Mr. Culbertson could easily have saved his own life, but he undertook to rescue the young ladies and was drowned with them.  A large number of citizens of Fairfield and Jefferson county were out yesterday and succeeded in finding the bodies.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 1

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