
Friday, December 17, 2010

Iowa Second Cavalry

List of Killed and Wounded

We cut the following list of killed and wounded in this regiment from the New York Times.  This was in the battle near Farmington between a portion of Gen. Pope’s Division and a largely superior body or rebels.

Company A. – Sergt. L Ayer, killed; Sergt. Geddes, arm and side, slight; B. F. Wagner, shoulder.

Company B. – W. M. Ferguson, breast, slight; Corp. P. J. Welsh, leg, slight; Daniel Craft, side, slight; Corp. Walker; C. H Brock, arm, severe; J. S. Brush, shoulder.

Company C. – Capt. Egbert, thigh, slight; Jas. Armstrong, three places, mortally; James Taylor, shoulder, severe; Wm. Gordon, foot, amputated.

Company E. – Lewis Kephart, hand; Wm. Dunderdale, scalp, slight; Corp. Aldritch, do; Sergt. J. W. Jennings.

Company F. Sergt.  Fought, slight; L. J. Parks, breast, severe; W. H. Buller, two places, severe; Daniel Okison, missing.

Company G. – Capt. Lundy, scalp, slight; Anderson Huntley, severe; J. F. Haight, two places, severe; Sergt. L. Waterman, leg, severe.

Company H. – Lieut. Owens, killed; Corporal Haskins, leg, slight; Keeves, thigh, slight, Detwaller, breast.

Company K. – G. R. Bradley, leg, slight; Corp. Shepherd, scalp, slight, Leahart, do; R. M. Downer, leg, slight; A. Leffler, scalp and chest; D. Downer, leg, slight.

Company I. – W. V. Hubbard, scalp, slight; G. W. Kellsal, thigh, slight; James Raymond, missing.

Company M. – Sylvester Hazen, shoulder; Nathan Smith, foot, amputated; J. E. Breeden, leg, slight; John Parker, wounded and missing.

In Skirmish of the 8th. – John Wilson, co. B, killed; James Slawter, co. D, three places; H. H. Douthill, ball in brain.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 1

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