
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Later From Europe

HALIFAX, May 14. – The Niagara, Capt. Stone, from Liverpool and Queenstown of the 4th arrived this evening.

GREAT BRITAIN. – Vague rumors of the threatened intervention in America continue in circulation, and the dullness and decline in cotton is attributed to them.

The Paris correspondent of the Daily News writing on the 1st says it is positively stated to-day in official circles that the French and English Ministers at Washington have received instructions to attempt to make intervention exclusive of any idea of forcible intention, in the hope of putting an end to the war.

The Paris correspondent of the Independent Belge reiterates its statement relative to the contemplated intervention of France and England for the re-establishment of the Union in the most absolute manner, and have reason to believe the project will soon be made known officially to the public.  It is said, certain conditions will be imposed on the South, having for its object the gradual emancipation of the slaves.

The Times publishes a letter from Mr. Russel explaining the difficulties thrown in his way by Secretary Stanton when he sought to visit the British man of war.  He said the difficulties amounted to prohibition and thinks Secretary Stanton would order away the Rinaldo if he dared.  Russel further says, In conclusion I may be permitted to add, I have record assurances that General McClellan has expressed himself strongly in reference to Secretary Stanton’s conduct to himself and me in the matter, and that he and all his staff have been kind enough to declare to my friends how deeply they regretted my absence from their camp.

On the 2d Inst. Sir G. C. Lewis said the House would soon have ample opportunity to discuss the question of defenses, as it would be his duty shortly to leave to bring in a bill for another loan for national defenses.

Commercial – Breadstuffs Market. – Messrs. R. S. & Co., R. N. & Co., and others, report flour dull and declined 6d per barrel since Tuesday.  State 24s 6d@20s 6d.  Wheat quiet and declined 2d per cental.  Red western and white 11s 9d@12s, common firmer, mixed 27s 9d@ 28s; white 30s@33s.

Liverpool – Provisions – Beef very dull with a decline of 2@6d.  Pork has a downward tendency.  Lard active at 41s@43s 6d.

House of Commons – Mr. McGuire called attention to the distress in the cotton manufacturing districts and reported deaths from starvation in Ireland.  He asked what the Government intended to do.

Sir Robert Peel admitted that distress did exist to some extent, but the accounts were greatly exaggerated.

The Times says England has withdrawn her stake in the military part of the Mexican enterprise, and will get redress for part and guarantees for the future.  France will send reinforcements to Mexico.

Italians in Paris believe Rome is to be occupied soon by Predemontese troops.

The Paris Constitutionel asserts the recall of Gen. Grogon without any change of the French policy in Rome.

Graphic details are published of the ceremonies at the Great Exhibition.  The number present was 33,000, all season ticket holders – The times pronounces the ceremonies emphatically the grandest and best managed seen in England for years.  The musical arrangements were carried out according to programme and were very grand.

The Morning Post, in an editorial, deplores the sad aspect presented by the American attendance.

The second day admission was one guinea, and the number of tickets sold over 32,000.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 17, 1862, p. 3

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