
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

O. Jennings Wise dead – Com. Lynch Drowned – Other Officers Prisoners


The Inquirer has a special dispatch about the Burnside expedition, saying that the enemy was pursued for several hours, and that two complete regiments on their way to reinforce the fort were captured.  Every road was lined with the guns, knapsacks and clothing of the wounded, dead and dying.

Gov. Wise’s son was shot through both legs and the longs, and died the following day.  Acting Brigadier-General Hill, and Colonels Shaw, Gordon and Green were captured, with a large number of subordinate officers.

The Federal gunboat Com. Perry [ran] down the rebel flag ship Sea Bird, having on board Com. Lynch, cutting her apart.  Our men boarded her, and during the encounter which ensued a portion of her officers and crew jumped overboard, and others had their brains knocked out with handspikes.

Rebel accounts state that Com. Lynch has not yet been heard from.  He was probably drowned during the fight.

Assistant Secretary of the Navy Fox has also received a private letter, in which it is stated that the number of killed of our navy is about 20, and of the enemy about 30.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, February 17, 1862, p. 1

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