
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Skirmish in Arkansas

ST. LOUIS, May 14. – Col. Daniels, with a portion of the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry, Attacked a rebel camp occupied by four companies, commanded by Col. Phelan on the 10th inst., at or near Bloomfield, on Little Red River.  The rebels fled and scattered through the swamps, leaving 1 killed on the field.  The union troops captured 11 prisoners, the horses of Col. Phelan and those of two of his Lieuts., a quantity of oxen, camp equipage, arms and ammunition.  All Col. Phelan’s military chest with his books and papers.

Col. Daniels is in pursuit picking up rebel bounty.

The enemy are impressing every able-bodied man, and sweeping off all the cattle horses and supplies.  The people were fleeing in a state of terror perfectly indiscribable.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 17, 1862, p. 3

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