
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Specials to the New York Papers

(Times Dispatch)

WASHINGTON, May 14. – Gov. Sprague says our losses at Williamsburgh in killed, wounded and missing, will amount to about 2,000, and that the rebel loss was not less.

He also says the battle at West Point, under Franklin, was much more severe than reported; that at least 500 of our men were taken prisoners, the enemy taking advantage of the landing of our troops.  The gunboats came up in good time and saved Franklin from suffering a severe disaster.

Gen. Burnside has very quietly put an extinguisher on C. H. Foster, the gentleman who has so long been trying to get recognized as a member of Congress from North Carolina.  He advertized the citizens of Newberne a few evenings since of a thing which, as Gen. Burnside put it, he thought would be very foolish for him to do or the General to permit.  The military Governor appointed by the President was to shape the policy of the Government in the State and he could not permit anything to be done which might hereafter prove to be a source of embarrassment.

(Special to Herald)

The steamer Kennebec arrived here this afternoon, with 213 wounded rebels and 25 wounded Union soldiers from Williamsburg.  Among the latter is Col. Dwight.  His wounds are less dangerous than at first supposed.  The rebels receive precisely the same treatment as our wounded and are sent to the same hospitals.

The rumor that Gen. McCall had resigned the command of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps is unfounded.  He has no intention to resign until the army of the Union has accomplished its mission to suppress the rebellion.

(Tribune’s Dispatch)

WASHINGTON, May 14. – The French Minister has received intelligence  from his Consul at Richmond to the effect that the rebel Government had notified him that should it be necessary to evacuate the city, the French tobacco must be destroyed with the rest.  At the same time the rebels offer to pay for it, a proposition not much relished by the French men.

The French Minister discredits the rumors of European intervention in our affairs and it is generally thought here that whatever purposes may have been entertained by England and France the news from New Orleans will cause their definite postponement.

The 885 prisoners recently released from Richmond will arrive here by way of the Potomac to-morrow.  A few who came through Baltimore arrived to-day.  They say the rebels are as determined as ever and believe that after the great impending battles they will, if whipped, band together in small guerrilla parties and fight to the very last.  They represent the treatment of our prisoners as barbarous in the extreme; that our officers who alone remain in the prisons, all the privates being set free, will not be released at all.  Colonel Corcoran’s health is good.  He is anxious to be released and contradicts the statements made some time since.  He said he would prefer remaining where he is, believing that he could be of more service there and adds that the only way in which he wishes to serve his country is on the battle field.  Col. Bowman’s health is failing rapidly and his eye sight is nearly lost.  He can survive his present treatment but a few weeks longer.  His long confinement has affected his mind so much that at times he is looked upon as insane.  The rebels offered every inducement to the prisoners to join their army, but only two have done so, viz., Jno. A. Wicks, late of the Congress and a private of the 7th Ohio named Wilson.  As soon as it became known to the prisoners that Wilson intended to desert them, they proceeded to hang him.  The guard however entered in time to cut him down before life was extinct.  In punishment of this act the prisoners were put upon bread and water for ten days.

The House Committee on Foreign affairs having authorized Mr. Gooch to report the Senate Bill establishing diplomatic relations with Hayti and Siberia, it will doubtless be pressed to a vote at an early day.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 17, 1862, p. 3

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