
Friday, January 21, 2011

Anson D. Morgan

Age, twenty-nine; residence Des Moines; native of Illinois; private; enlisted Oct. 22d, 1861; promoted to 3d corporal Aug. 6, 1862; died October 6, of wounds received at Corinth. "A good soldier, always ready for duty," says Lieutenant Wilkins.

"Probably the most discipline-loving soldier in the company; faithful and brave; fought with great coolness and courage; had a strong constitution and did not become subject to prevailing diseases to any great extent. In the battle of Corinth, Oct. 3, 1862, he fought bravely, and was mortally wounded — shot in the breast. He was left on the field, and died in the hands of the enemy. He left a family," says Captain Studer.

SOURCE: Leonard Brown, American Patriotism: Or, Memoirs Of Common Men, p. 222

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