
Friday, January 14, 2011

Compiled Service Record of John A. DeLong, Pvt., Co F, 90th Ohio Infantry

Appears in the Company Descriptive Book of the organization named above.  Description.  Age 25 years; height 5 feet 6 inches.  Complexion: light.  Eyes: blue. Hair: dark.  Born in Perry Co., Ohio.  Occupation: farmer.  Enlistment.  Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862 at New Holland, Ohio by T. J. Watkins for a term of 3 years.  Honorably mustered out of service June 13 [1865].

Appears on Company Muster-in Roll of the organization named above.  Roll dated Aug 26, 1862, Camp Circleville, Ohio.  Muster-in to date Aug. 26, 1862.  Joined for duty and enrolled Aug. 4, 1862 at Williamsport, Ohio for a period of 3 years.  Age 25 years.

Appears on Company Muster Rolls for:
Aug 26 to Oct. 31, 1862.  Present.
Nov. & Dec., 1862.  Present
Feb. 28, 1863.  Present.
Apr. 10, 1863.  Present  [Special Muster Roll]
Mar. & Apr., 1863.  Present
Feb. 28 to June 30, 1863.  Present.  John A. Delong in "present column."
July & Aug., 1863.  Present.
Sept. & Oct., 1863.  Present
Nov. & Dec., 1863.  Present.
Jan. & Feb., 1864.  Present.
March & April, 1864.  Present.
May & June, 1864.  Present.
July & Aug., 1864.  Present
Sept. & Oct., 1864.  Present
Nov. & Dec., 1864.  Present.
Jan. & Feb., 1865.  Present.
Apr. 30, 1865.  Present.

Appears on Co. Muster-Out Roll.  June 13, 1865.  Muster-out to date June 13, 1865.  Last paid to Aug. 31, 1864.  Clothing account last settled on Oct. 31, 1863.  Am't for cloth'g in kind or money adv'd $51.29.  Bounty paid: $25.00; due: $75.00.  Age. 25 years.

Report of Wounded of the 2nd Division 14th Corps, dated Jan. 6, 1863.  Report of Gen'l Rosecrans. Page 402. J. Delong, Private, Company F, 90th Ohio Infantry.  Wounded in neck slightly.  Date of casualty, from Dec. 30, 1862 to Jan. 3, 1863.  [Casualty sheet.]

Report of Killed, Wounded and Missing of the 90th Ohio Infantry Regiment, 2nd Division, Left Wing, 14th Corps. in the battle before Murfreesboro. as far as reported by the Regt'l Surgeon up to this day, Jany. 6/63, detached from report signed by T. L. Crittenden Maj. Genl. Comdg Dept.  No. 2 Ind. Co. pg. 15.  J. Delong, Pvt. Company F, 90th Ohio Infantry.  Wounded - neck, slightly.  [Casualty sheet.]

SOURCE:  National Archives & Records Administration, Washington, D.C.

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