
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Compiled Service Record of Walter E. Partridge, Pvt., Co. F, 36th Illinois Infantry

Appears on Company Muster Rolls for:

Sep 23, 1861.  Camp Hammond, Aurora Ill.  Age 27.  Muster-in to date Sep 23, 1861.  Joined for duty and enrolled Sep 9, 1861 at Aurora, Ill. for 3 years.

Sept. 23 to Oct. 31, 1861.  Present.

Nov. & Dec., 1861.  Present.

Jany. & Feb., 1862.  Present.

Mch. & Apr., 1862.  Present.

May & June, 1862.  Absent.  Was wounded in the battle of Pea Ridge.

July & Aug., 1862.  Present.

Sept. & Oct, 1862.  Present.

Nov. & Dec., 1862.  Present.

Jan. & Feb., 1863.  Present.

Mch. & Apr. 1863.  Present.

April 10, 1863.  Present.  [Special Muster Roll.]

May & June, 1863.  Present.

July & Aug., 1863.  Present.

Sept. & Oct., 1863.  Absent.  Wounded in Battle of Chickamauga Ga. Sept. 20/63.  Now at Hospital Nashville Tenn.

Nov. & Dec., 1863.  Present.

Appears on a Detachment Muster-out Roll of the organization named above.  Age 27.  Roll dated Chattanooga Tenn Jany 25, 1864.  Muster-out to date Dec 31, 1863.  Clothing account: last settled Aug 31, 1862; am't for cloth'g in kind or money adv'd $19.04.  Bounty due $100.00.  Dischgd by virtue of reenlistment as a Vet Vol under the provisions of Genl orders No 191. [sent] 1863 from the War Dept.

Appears on Muster and Descriptive Roll of Veteran Volunteers of the organization named above.  Roll dated Chattanooga Tenn Jan 25, 1864.  Born Sparsholt, Eng.  Age 29.  Occupation: farmer. Enlisted Jan 1, 1864 at Blane's Cross Roads Tenn for 3 years.  Gray eyes; dark hair; light complexion; height 5 ft 7 1/2 in.  Mustered in Jan 25, 1864, Chattanooga Tenn.  Muster-in to date Jan 1, 1864.  Bounty paid $ 25 / 35; due $340.00.  Residence Adams La Salle Co. Ill.

Jan. & Feb. 1864.  Not Stated.  Joined a Vet. Vol. Rec'd 1 months advance pay $13 & $60 bounty second installment of bounty $50 due.  Recapitulation shows him absent with leave.

Mar. & Apr., 1864.  Present.  Joined a Vet. Vol. Rec'd 1 month's advance pay $13, & $60 bounty.  Second installment of bounty due $50 and $2 premium.

May & June, 1864.  Present.

July & Aug., 1864.  Present.  Veteran.

Sept. & Oct., 1864.  Present.  Veteran

Nov. & Dec., 1864.  Absent.  Detailed as Provost guard at Division Hd. Qrs.  Veteran.

Jan. & Feb., 1865.  Absent.  Detailed as provost guard at Hd. Qrs. Div.  Veteran.

Mar. & Apr., 1865.  Absent.  Detailed as Provost Guard at Div. Hd. Qrs.  Veteran.

May & June, 1865.  Absent.  Detailed as Provost Guard at Div. Hd. Qrs.

July & Aug., 1865.  Absent.  On detached service as guard with Pay Master.  5th install' Bounty due.

Appears on Co. Muster-out Roll, dated N. Orleans La. Oct. 8, 1865.  Age 31 years.  Muster-out to date Oct. 8, 1865.  Clothing account: Due soldier $27.51.  Due U. S. for arms equipments, &c. $6.  Bounty paid $210; due $190.  Joined a Private at O. O.  Reenlisted a V. V. Jan. 1/64.  Slightly wounded at Bat. of Pea Ridge Ark. Mar. 8/62.  Stoppages for Springfield Rifled Musket & accoutrements retained by virtue of G. O. 101 C. S. W. D. A. G. O.

SOURCE: National Archives & Records Administration, Washington, D.C.

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