
Monday, January 3, 2011

Criminal Returns of Iowa

We are indebted to Hon. J. H. White for a copy of the pamphlet report of the Secretary of State of the criminal returns of the State of Iowa for 1860-61.  From this report we glean the following abstracts for the year 1860:

No. of counties reported: 59
No. of convictions: 330
Amount of fines imposed: $6,042.89
Paid District Attorney: $3,678.76
Expense of counties: $34,693.00

The following abstract for the year 1861 shows a healthy increase in the morals of our State:

No. of counties reported: 65
No. of convictions: 289
Amount of fines imposed: $4,939.01
Paid District Attorney: $2,494.85
Expense of counties: $28,067.64

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, February 17, 1862, p. 2

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