
Monday, January 31, 2011

The Shriver Brothers

SHRIVER, GEORGE W., farmer; born in Armstrong Co., Penn., 1817; moved to Van Buren Co., Iowa, in 1856, and located in this county in 1874. Married Elizabeth Ellenburger in 1844; she was born in the same county and State in 1820; have ten children — Thomas, Charles, Andrew, James, Addison, Joseph, Elizabeth, Sarah, Emma and Ida. They are Presbyterians; he is Republican. Thomas and Charles enlisted, by permit from their father, they being under age, in the 15th Iowa Vols., 1861 — the former re-enlisted as veteran; mustered out at close of the war; the latter served the full term of his enlistment. He owns a good house and ten acres in the corporation, valued at $5,000.

SOURCE:  The History of Appanoose County, Iowa, Western Historical Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1878, p. 501

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