
Thursday, January 6, 2011

There is nothing like “keeping a stiff upper lip ” . . .

. . . and many a man has been carried through a difficulty by the assumption of a nonchalant air.  The Southern Confederacy understands these “facts in Philosophy,” and have therefore secured fifteen thousand square feet in the London International Exhibition, which is to take place this year.  What can the rebels show to make their progress in the arts and sciences, or if they had any materials how can they expect to transmit them when all their ports are closed by blockade?  The whole movement is one of brag and gasconade, to exercise what effect it may upon European nations to procure recognition of the confederacy.  It is a part of the tactics of the Cardinal Richelieu, when the lion’s hide is too short to eke it out with the fox’s. – Louisville Jour.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, February 17, 1862, p. 2

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