
Saturday, January 8, 2011

We have a few – very few – secesh in Burlington.

A story got out last night through the stupidity or mischievous propensities of somebody, to the effect that France and England had recognized the Southern Confederacy and the President had called out 100,000 more men.  The aforesaid Secesh, it was very plain, were highly elated.  Although taking pains to conceal it before loyal people, it was palpable to every body that they were hugely pleased – their deception being as transparent as that of a man drunk who strives to be very sober, and cheats no one but himself.  These [gentlemen] are as thoroughly understood and appreciated in Burlington as Jeff. Davis or Beauregard.  Even the boys in the streets know them – know of their traitorous sympathies and comprehend the hollow [hypocrisy] of their loyal professions.  Judas was not more false and not half as malignant.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 2

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