About the first of July we shall issue the Weekly Hawk-Eye, greatly enlarged, in an eight page form. It will then be fully as large as the Weekly New York Tribune, and we mean that it shall not be surpassed in any material excellence by any weekly paper printed in the United States. All this will be done without enhancing the price. It has been though an achievement worthy of mention that the Tribune, even with its facilities, could get up a weekly eight page paper for the diminutive sum of one dollar per year. We shall now do it even in Burlington, and a paper, too, that shall be worth more and give better satisfaction than any paper printed out of Iowa. The price will be $1.50 for single subscriptions – 5 copies to one address, $7 – 10 copies to one address, $10 – 21 copies to one address, $20. Friends throughout the State are asked to aid us in getting up a circulation for this edition of our paper. Address
Burlington, Iowa
– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 2
The historian in me says "GREAT! More information!" They typist in me says "UGH!!! It takes entirely too long to transcribe a 4 page issue let alone and 8 page issue!