
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dennis Walters

WALTERS, DENNIS, was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania. February 12, 1847, and moved with his parents to Iowa when six years of age. On the 22d day of October, 1864, he enlisted in Company K, 15th Iowa Infantry, and served through the remainder of the civil war. After the war he engaged in farming in Iowa until the spring of 1874, when he removed to Dakota, arriving in Sioux Falls on the 1st day of April. He soon after took up as a homestead the southeast quarter of section 28 in Burk township, where he located and engaged in farming. In May, 1875, a post office was established in Burk called Geneseo, and Mr. Walters was the first postmaster, with the post office at his residence. He held the office for about two years. In 1879, he was again appointed postmaster and held the office until 1888, when he removed to Dell Rapids, where he has since resided. While a resident of Burk he held school offices, was assessor two years, and one of the town supervisors several years. In January, 1870, he married Caroline Stout, daughter of Jonathan Stout, then of Iowa, but now a resident of Burk.

SOURCE: Dana R. Bailey, History of Minnehaha County, South Dakota, p. 1064

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