
Saturday, February 12, 2011

General McClellan’s Advance – Balloon Reconnoissance

May 21, P. M.

The encampment of the advance of the army under Gen. Stoneman, is still at Gains’ Mills, 18½ miles from the Chickahominy.  The pickets of the Rebels occupy the banks on the side and those of the Union on the other.

Gen. Stoneman, with Prof. Lowe, made a balloon reconnaissance this morning, from Gaines’ Mills, reaching an altitude of 400 feet.  An admirable view of Richmond was had and the surrounding country.  With a glass, the camps of the enemy within the limits of the corporation were seen also.  The arrival and departure of Railroad trains on the Railroad between New Bridge and Richmond and Buford and Richmond, and but few troops were visible – but to the left of the city, on the line of the mail coach road leading to Bottom Bridge, a large number of troops were seen.

Also smoke from numberless campfires coming up from the woods – in fact showing that they were occupied by a large force of the enemy.

Heavy firing was heard yesterday, P. M., and this morning, to the left of Richmond, which was probably caused by our gunboats endeavoring to force their way up the James river.

The weather is warm and pleasant, during the day, with heavy dews at night.

The health of the troops continue good.  Two rations of whisky and quinine are now daily issued to the troops.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 3

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