
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Isaac B Thatcher

THATCHER, I. B., dealer in grain, lumber, etc., Mt. Sterling; son of Mark C. and Hannah P. Thatcher; born Nov. 2, 1836, in Clinton Co., Ohio; came with his parents to this county in the spring of 1839; settled in this township. Enlisted in Co. E, of the 15th Iowa Inf., Oct 5, 1861, in the battle of Pittsburg Landing was wounded in the right arm; was also in battles of Iuka and Corinth, Miss.; at the latter place, was wounded in the right hand; taken to the St. Louis Hospital; came home; was discharged for disability in March, 1863; in the fall of 1864, assisted in recruiting Co. K, of the 45th Iowa Inf.; was elected Captain of the company; was out about four months, having enlisted in the 100 days service. Married Mary W. S. Morse March 12, 1868; she was born April 17, 1844, in Essex Co., Mass.; have three children — Charlie E., Frank H. and Harry M. Followed farming after the war, till the railroad was built through Mt. Sterling, since which time, he has been engaged in his present business; is also proprietor of the grain scales of the town. Republican. Thatcher, M. O, retired far.; P. O. Mt. Sterling.

SOURCE: The History of Van Buren County, Iowa, Western Historical Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1878, p. 548

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