
Saturday, February 26, 2011

St. Louis Market

Tuesday Evening, May 20.

An improvement was noticed in the higher grades of wheat to-day – one lot of choice white being sold as high as 95c.  Whiskey, corn and hemp have but little demand.  Tobacco is higher, and in good demand.  One [illegible] fine leaf, grown by Mr. Groff, from Franklin county, Mo., sold at the state Tobacco Warehouse for the handsome sum of $32.85.

WHEAT – Market steady and advancing on choice grades.  We quote sales of 315 sks white fall at 88c; 397 red fall at 83C84c; 216 spring at 80c; about 625 sks spring and fall choice at 90@91c; 61 sks at 92c; 118 sks choice white at 95c, and about 3,500 sks on private terms.

CORN – Market dull with sales of 441 sks at 35c, 212 at 35½c, delivered as 1,200 sks at 34½@35.

POTATOES – sales of 300 sks neshannocks at 32c, 20 prime at 35c, and 180 sks damaged at 22½c.

OATS – but few transactions and those mostly on private terms.  We quote sales of 790 sks in lots at 40c; 40 sks at 38c, 117 sks at 39c; 239 sks at 40½c, and about 2,400 sks on private terms.

FLOUR – Market unchanged.  We give sales of 140 bbls country double extra at $4.25; 100 do at $4.80; 80 extra at $3.90, 175 sks at $3.50, 50 bbls extra on private terms; 340 sks at $1.57½, and 130 do at 1.62½.

HAY – Sales of 812 bales at $1; 200 bales at $1.08 and 200 bales private.

WHISKEY – Dull, with sales of 27 and 50 bbls in lots at 19c.

GUNNIES – 10 bales heavy new at 16c.

HIDES – Dry flint at 13c.

BARLEY – Sales of 63 sks fall at 80c; 50 spring at 55c; 110 do at 50c, and 690 sks spring at 54c.

RYE – Sales of 223 and 1204 sks at 50c, sks in; 192 and 46 at 44c, sacks out.

DRIED FRUIT – Sales of 300 bushels apples at $1.20; 20 sks poor peaches at $1.25.

SEED – Small lots of clover sold at $3.

EGGS – 5 bbls sold at 5½c, ad 20 bxs private.

PORK – Sales of 16 cks shoulders at 3½ ad 4c 10 cks rib sides, to arrive, at 5½c.

LARD – 150tcs at 7c; 13 manufacturing at 6½.

BROOMS – 76 doz at $1.

COOPERAGE – 135 whisky bbls at $1.15, and 427 flour bbls at 37c.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 3

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