
Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Traitor Jones

Geo. W. Jones, the Iowa traitor, is now in Fort Lafayette.  A few feeble remonstrances against his incarceration were made by some of the newspapers at the time of his arrest.  We have never had any doubt that he merited the punishment he is receiving.  He was not only disloyal himself, but he encouraged his sons to be disloyal too.  One of them G. W. G. Jones, went south and joined the rebel army at Nashville, and was made a captain.  He was under Tilghman at Fort Henry, and is the Captain Jones who was taken by General Grant.

We learn that a number of young men in Dubuque, Iowa have been written to by rebel officers to come south and get positions.  It is not a compliment to any man to be written to by a traitor; but in this instance, probably, the persons thus addressed had no agency in the matter.  Their names were, no doubt, placed in the possession of the rebels by one of the Joneses – father or son. – Chicago (Ill.) Post.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, February 18, 1862, p. 2

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