
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Arrival of the Edinburg

NEW YORK, February 18.

The Edinburg from Liverpool, midnight, 3d, and Queenstown night of the 4th of February, arrived at noon to-day.  Her advices are via Liverpool, little more than one day later; but by way of Queenstown they are two days later.

The rebel steamer Nashville left Southampton on the 3d inst.  She passed the federal gun-boat Tuscarora off Cowes, where the latter was anchored.

The Tuscarora steamed up to start in chase of the Nashville, but the frigate Shannon was alongside to prevent its departure for twenty four hours.  The last seen of the Nashville she was steaming down the channel with all her speed.

The brigantine Fanny Lewis, from Charleston, Jan. 1st, has arrived at Liverpool, with cotton and rosin.

The London Morning Post renews the report that the Arch Duke Maximilian will accept the throne of Mexico.

VIENNA, Feb. 4. – Austria will accept the thrown of Mexico for the Arch Duke Maximilian, but will not cede Venitia in exchange.

There is a monetary crisis at Venitia, and the Government has decreed a forced circulation of the new money.

Disturbances have taken place at Verona and Mantua.

LIVERPOOL, Feb. 4. – Breadstuffs stead.  Provisions dull.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, February 19, 1862, p. 1

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