
Thursday, March 17, 2011

D. B. Clark

D. B. Clark enlisted in Company H, of the Fifteenth Iowa Infantry, at Council Bluffs, in the fall of 1861. The officers of the company were elected in November, and were as follows: D. B. Clark, Captain; Stephen W. King, First Lieutenant, both of Pottawattamie County; and John A. Danielson, Second Lieutenant, of Harrison County. Twenty-four of the men and non-commissioned officers were enlisted in this county. The company suffered severely at Shiloh, a large portion of the officers and men being wounded or killed. Before the close of the battle, owing to the sickness or disability of the other officers, Sergeant Edwards had to assume command, and was soon after commissioned Captain. When the time of the enlistment expired, the following persons of Company H re-enlisted and became veterans: N. W. Edwards, E. W. Crawley, Joshua Gilbert, A. Heaghney, Otto C. Hoffman, Levi J. Laflesh, William Moorehead, Benton T. H. Marshall, Frank N. Martin, John D. Slocum, Amos A. Van Winkle and Joseph Whaley. The records show four killed and thirteen wounded of this company.

SOURCE: John H. Keatley, History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, p. 53

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