
Friday, March 11, 2011

The Guerrillas

WASHINGTON, May 20. – The Post’s special dated Franklin, Pa, May 19th, says, the headquarters of the Mountain Department are now at this place.

The guerrilla parties in this region are tolerably active, but our cavalry are continually on their track, and the bushwhackers lead an uneasy life.

A few days ago a train with four officers and some convalescent soldiers were attacked by guerrillas between Moorfield and Petersburg and the whole party was killed or captured except one surgeon who got away and brought in a report of the affair.

Lieut. Col. Downey who was sent after the bushwhackers with a guard of men, reports to-day that he got on the trail of the party overtook them and killed their captain and three men and wounded a number and took twelve prisoners.  Lieut. Col. Downey and his party did not receive a scratch.  Thus one more band of guerrillas is broken up.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 4

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