
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Joel Tuttle

Adjutant Joel Tuttle, of the 2d Iowa Infantry regiment, and brother to Gen. Tuttle, of this place died at St. Louis in the 18th inst. of typhoid fever.

The deceased was a young man of much promise.  With fine natural abilities was combined a thorough education, and he was well qualified to fill almost any position in life.

He graduated at Oxford College, Ohio, in 1857 – studied law with Chief Justice Wright, in this place, and was admitted to the bar in 1859, shortly after which, he sought a location farther west, and settled in Council Bluffs, where he resided at the time he volunteered in the service of his country.

He was with the immortal 2d at the storming of Fort Donelson – was also in the battle at Pittsburg Landing, and was noted for coolness and courage in every trying emergency.  He was taken sick shortly after the last fight, and was brought to St. Louis, when he expired on the 13th as above stated. – {Keosauqua Republican.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 4

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