
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Local Matters

THE proceedings of the Republican meeting held Tuesday, and other items, are unavoidably crowded out to-day by telegraph dispatches that came in at a late hour.

WESTERN TRAINS. – Owing to the quantities of snow on the track, the western trains, due at 8 o’clock a.m. and 4 o’clock p.m. yesterday had not arrived at 10 o’clock last night.  The eastern trains were also delayed an hour or two yesterday.

THE CONTINENTAL MONTHLY. – We have received the third or March number of this capital magazine.  It is, as usual, filled with choice literature, including several papers on national policy.  We presume it may be had at our bookstores.  Secure a copy before they are all taken.

RAILROAD SHIPMENTS. – The following are the figures of shipments by railroad from this city for the week ending February 15th: 2,081 brls. flour, 14,400 bu. Wheat, 6,000 do barley, 1,000 do corn, 221 sacks malt, 20 tons bran, 59 dressed hogs, 54 live do, 3,080 lbs. hides, 1,500 lbs. butter.  Total value of shipments about $21,000.

CONTINUED. – The fair and festival of St. Luke’s church which was held last evening, but on account of the weather was rather thinly attended, will be continued this afternoon and evening at Metropolitan Hall.  Admission 10 cents.  This festival, it will be remembered, is got up by the ladies of St. Luke’s for the benefit of that parish.  There should, therefore, be a good attendance.

SLIPPERY. – Very few persons have been exempted from falls on the slippery walks this season.  One man, as we write, just measured his fall length in the snow before our window, to the great merriment of a full half dozen lassies who were in a sleigh waiting his return.  He should have done as we did the evening before on the same spot – choose the shades of night for his feat in tumbling.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, February 20, 1862, p. 1

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