
Friday, March 25, 2011

The Newbern correspondent . . .

. . . of the New York Tribune reports a reaction in favor of the Union throughout the old North State.  He asserts that the Union party is in the ascendancy, that the secessionists intend to run S. X. Johnson as a candidate for Governor, and that the Union party will nominate the Hon. Wm. A. Graham for the same office, on the first Thursday in August. A great mass meeting of citizens from all parts of the State is announced to be held at Raleigh to nominate Mr. Graham. – It appears that Kenneth Raynor, an ex-member of Congress, had aimed in the State Convention to have an ordinance adopted providing for the punishment of all persons who should show any favor to the Union cause.  His proposition was defeated by an overwhelming vote for indefinite postponement.  The tone of the Raleigh Standard indicates the ultimate re-establishment of law and order all through the State.  That is an old Democratic organ, but early in the campaign abandoned the sinking ship and now sustains the Opposition.  It is also asserted that the State Convention has under consideration the President’s proposition for emancipation, that in the discussions upon this subject the ablest men in the State had asserted that Slavery was the cause of the Rebellion and that it was wise and expedient to regard the Presidential hint with favor.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 1

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