
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Occupation of Suffolk

SUFFOLK, Va., May 18. – This place, twenty seven miles from Norfolk by rail and twenty five by road, was occupied by Union troops this morning.

No rebel troops were found.  Many of the inhabitants had left.  Those remaining were bitter against us.

Reconnoisances were made yesterday to Dempsville, Gov. Wise’s place.  The town was found almost deserted.

A flag of truce was sent out yesterday in the direction of Suffolk to return the prisoners of State released from Fort Warren.

The sea board and Roanoke Railroad has been found to be in good condition to Suffolk, only a single bridge having been destroyed.  The road will be repaired immediately, and running stock put in condition as soon as possible.

A large quantity of copper bolting was found stored in the railroad storehouse yesterday, of which possession was taken.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 4

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