
Sunday, March 6, 2011

William H. Shepherdson

SHEPHERDSON, WILLIAM H., farmer, section 12, P. O. Glenwood; born December 2, 1823, in Franklin county, Massachusetts. When eleven years of age he moved with his parents to Huron county, Ohio, where he grew to manhood, and received his education in the common schools, His youth was passed in farming, but in after life he learned the trade of a carpenter. On the 27th day of April, 1847, he arrived in Mills county, locating in Silver Creek township. Three years later he came to Lyons township, and in 1871 he located on the farm where he now resides. Enlisted October 10 1861, in company F, Fifteenth Iowa Infantry, and participated in the battles of Pittsburg Landing and Corinth, and was in all the engagements of the Atlanta campaign. He served as a fifer, and was honorably discharged December 16, 1864. He owns a farm of 187 acres, on which is a good dwelling house, barn, orchard and other improvements. Mr. Shepherdson has been a township officer several years, and according to the best of authority, has lived longer in Mills county than any one in Lyons township.

SOURCE: State Historical Company, History of Mills County, Iowa, 1881, p. 627-8

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