
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

William W. Belknap

William W. Belknap, for many years a prominent figure in Keokuk, was born at Newburg, New York, in 1829, graduated at Princeton University in 1848, studied law and in 1851 was admitted to the bar. Two years later he located in Keokuk, where he formed a partnership with Ralph P. Lowe. In 1857 Mr. Belknap was elected to the Legislature as a democrat. Upon the breaking out of the Civil war he assisted in recruiting troops and was commissioned major of the Fifteenth Iowa Infantry. He was in command of the regiment at the siege of Corinth and afterwards served on the staff of General McPherson. In 1864 he was made brigadier-general, and at the close of the war was offered a commission in the regular army, which he declined. In the meantime he had become a republican, and in 1866 was appointed collector of internal revenue for the First Iowa District. He served for seven years as secretary of war under President Grant, and died at Washington, D. C., October 13, 1890.

SOURCE: Nelson C. Roberts & S. W. Moorhead, editors, Story of Lee County, Iowa, Vol. 1, p. 302

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