
Saturday, April 2, 2011

From Missouri

Special to the St. Louis Democrat.


Gen. Curtis has driven the rebel army beyond the Arkansas line.  At 10 o’clock Sunday night, we were 69 miles south of Springfield.  The Federal flag now floats in Arkansas.

Several skirmishes have taken place in the defiles of the mountains.  We had six wounded, and the enemy lost sixteen killed and a large number of prisoners.

A messenger says we are only a short distance behind prices main body, and would chase him up the next morning. – When twenty miles out the messenger heard heavy firing.

There is a great abundance of forage and provisions on the route, except flour.  A train of sugar and beans started forward from here to-night.

SEDALIA, MO., Feb. 19.

Brig. Gen. Edward Price, son of Sterling price, Col. Phillips, Maj. Cross and Capt. Crosby were captured near Warsaw on Sunday night and brought to this place.  These prisoners were captured by Capt. Stubbs of the 8th Iowa.  They had some 500 recruits for Price in charge, who had just crossed the Osage river, but as Capt. Stubbs had but a small force he did not follow them.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, February 20, 1862, p. 1

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