
Sunday, April 3, 2011

From Washington


The nomination of Gen. Grant as Major General was sent into the Senate to-day.  He will be confirmed.

President Lincoln’s boy, William, is still in a critical condition.

The bill which the territorial committees of both houses are maturing, will organize the rebel country into free territories, on the principle that by rebellion these States committed suicide, and that with them their local laws and peculiar institutions have died.

Congress has passed a joint resolution directing Commissioner French to illuminate the public buildings in honor of the recent victories.

Saturday evening an illumination of private dwellings will probably be requested as a means of distinguishing loyal from disloyal citizens.

In a speech in Stark’s case, Mr. Carlisle of Va., to-day foreshadowed a pro-slavery policy in the treatment of the rebel states saying that the Senate must receive persons duly accredited hereafter, by the Legislature of Missouri, even if they have been in arms against the government.  It is coming to be generally hoped that Carlisle will be obliged this to give his seat back to Mason.

Secretary Stanton has recently said that the victory of Fort Donelson is due to Gen. Halleck, who planned, to the President, who recognized, and to Gen. Grant, who executed the campaign.

N. L. Wilson, President of the Marietta and Cincinnati R. R., is here, and says that the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. will be open within thirty days.

Very few private flags have been displayed in Washington for our late victories.

An order was issued to-day, at the request of the entire Indiana delegation, terminating the furlough under which Capt. Hazzard, of the army, was allowed to serve as Col. Of the 37th Ind. Vols.  He is charged with tyranny to his troops.

Schuyler Colfax has sent $100 to Quartermaster Pierce, at Paducah, to be expended in the relief of soldiers wounded at the attack on Donelson.

Capt. Craven, in command of the Tuscarora, is not like the other captains who have pursued rebel privateers.  If he catches the Nashville, he will blow her out of water, avoiding capture if possible.

A subscription is on foot at Alexandria, among the women, for the purchase of a flag to be presented to Farnsworth’s Illinois Cavalry Regiment.

The bill reported from the naval committee of the House, framed after consultation with Assistant Secretary of the Navy Fox, provides for the grades of naval officers, viz: Five flag officers, eighteen commodores, thirty-six captains, seventy-two commanders, one hundred and forty-four lieutenants and masters.  Boards to recommend for promotion or retirement.  Flag officers to be appointed only if they shall have received the thanks of Congress, and upon the President’s recommendation for services in battle.

Senator Harris introduced a bill to-day, making rebels outlaws, so far as civil rights are concerned: the fact of plaintiff’s treason to be a complete defense in bar of any action.

Mr. Trumbull’s confiscation bill is the special order of the Senate to-morrow.

Gen. Grant will not be confirmed as Maj. Gen. until his official report of the battle has been received.

The Senate District of Columbia committee, to-day summoned a number of witnesses to investigate the truth of the allegations in deputy jailor Dupall’s letter, relative to barbarities practiced within the jail, on an alleged fugitive slave.

Col. McConnel, of the inchoate and considerably mythical Third Maryland regiment of Vols., has at last been mustered out of service.  Upon evidence that recruiting was going on in Philadelphia to fill up the ranks of the loyal Virginia brigade being raised by John C. Underwood, and order was issued to-day breaking up the organization.

Tribune’s Correspondence.

Gen. Lander’s resignation has not been received here, and people who know his impatience for a fight pray it may not come.

Little has been said of the prize money earned by the crews of our blockading squadron, but the amount cannot be small.  The share due to Commander Alden, of the North Carolina, which made so many captures in the gulf, is over $100,000.  Nineteen times that sum is to be divided among his officers and men.

Gen. Grant was nominated as Major General to-day.  The Senate, which has since had no executive session, will not confirm until the official reports are received.

The House committee on territories will soon report a bill organizing Arizona as a free territory.  The Wilmot Proviso will probably be part of the bill.

Mr. S. A. Allen has been appointed as an agent to accompany our forces into Tennessee to take charge of the cotton crop in behalf of the Government.

Times Dispatch.

Andy Johnson will probably proceed to Nashville, as soon as Gen. Buell’s army take possession of that city, and assist in organizing a provisional government for Tennessee.  The people there are panting for freedom and resumption of their connection with the Union.  They will probably send a full delegation of loyal men to Congress by the last of March.

The President to-day nominated Colonel Garfield, of Ohio, Brigadier General, in compliment for his thrashing Humphrey Marshall.

The war Department has proofs, which are considered conclusive, that young Walworth is a spy.

WASHINGTON, February 19.

Gen. U. S. Grant, the hero of Fort Donelson, has just been unanimously confirmed by the Senate as Major General, an honor conferred in testimony of his gallant conduct in battle.

The reading the Tax Bill will be commenced in the Ways and Means committee to-morrow.  The Bill will not be printed till ordered by the House of Representatives.

In the House of Representatives this afternoon Representative Wickliffe, of Ky., announced the capture of Gen. Price and his army.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, February 20, 1862, p. 1

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