
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Later from Europe

PORTLAND, Feb. 20.

The Bohemian, from Liverpool 6th via Londonderry 7th, arrived here this morning, with one day later news.

The Canada, from Boston, arrived at Liverpool on the 5th inst.

Both houses of Parliament had voted unanimously an address to the Queen in response to her speech.  The opposition approved of the course of the Government in the Trent affair.

Lord Derby thought the Federal Government had assented with very bad grace to the demands of the British Government.

Lord Palmerston said the distress in the manufacturing districts in England from the blockade of the Southern ports, would not justify the interference of the Government, and that they would continue in their neutral course.

The Bank of France has reduced its rates of discount to 4 per cent.

The product of the cotton crop of India was pouring into Bombay.

The iron clad frigate, Warrior, on her passage to Lisbon, labored badly.  Her decks and cabins were flooded and in nine cases out of ten she would not mind her helm.

The London Times city article says, that the funds opened on the 6th, at a decline of more than one-eighth, but gained firmness toward the close.

PARIS, 7. – The Moniteur of this morning says, that Gen. Prim will not take supreme command of the allied forces in Mexico, but that each Gen. will preserve the integrity of his own command.

The Federal gunboat, Tuscarora, left Cowes about 9 o’clock on the morning of the 6th inst., and proceeded Westward.

The Nashville had forty hours start of her.  The engineer of the Nashville told the pilot who took her out that it was agreed by all on board, that she should never be captured; that she had all the valves of the engine arranged so that she could be blown up sky high in a moment, and that if the capture of the Nashville was ever heard of, a violent explosion would accompany it.

Private telegrams from China quote tea at Foochou as higher.  Silks were also higher.  Holders of manufactured goods held them at firm prices.

Singapore was in possession of the rebels.

Advices from Manila say that all tobacco there is to be sent to Spain.

LIVERPOOL, Feb. 7. – Breadstuffs generally quiet and steady, except for corn, which has a downward tendency.  Consols closed at 92 1-4 a 92 7-8.  The weekly returns of the Bank of England show a decrease in the bullion of £334,000.  American securities quiet and stead.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 21, 1862, p. 1

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