
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Local Matters

NEW goods constantly arriving at Wadsworth’s.  he his selling more goods and at lower prices than any other house in town.  Call and examine his stock and prices before purchasing.

CONGRESSIONAL APPORTIONMENT. – The Des Moines correspondent of the Muscatine Journal says that the Congressional apportionment of our State published by the Democrat of this city is bogus.  We judged as much and did not copy it.

WASHINGTON’S BIRTH DAY. – Citizens are requested to meet at the office of D. H. Wheeler, Esq.., in LeClaire Block, at 10 o’clock a.m. (this morning,) to devise ways and means for a suitable celebration of Washington’s Birthday, Feb. 22.  All citizens are invited to attend.

WE LEARN from the Iowa City Press That Mr. C. F. Westphal, son of Mr. J. C. Westphal, the horticulturist of that place, has left for this city with the intention of taking charge of the Scott Nursery, which they have purchased.  We welcome Mr. W. to Davenport, and, judging from the parent stock, he will be a fine addition to the horticultural talent of our city.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 21, 1862, p. 1

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