
Monday, April 18, 2011

What The Conservatives Say

Elsewhere we give the views of a few of the leading papers that have heretofore been considered moderate and conservative.  It will be well for those who would so tenaciously adhere to slavery and would save it though all else be destroyed, to mark well the words of President Lincoln and take note of the signs of the times.  If these gentlemen, who are doubtless good Union men, would save slavery, they can employ themselves better than denouncing the radicals and trying to scare people out of their humanity and common sense by the no longer terrible epithet of ‘Abolitionist.’  This sort of thing has been played out.  The Border State men had better use their powers of ridicule and denunciation upon the Secessionists.  If they would save their ebony chattels and still grow rich upon their increase let them take up arms against the enemies of the country and aid to clear their States of secesh.  While the best blood of the country is being poured out to defend their lives, their homes and their property, it does not become them to revile their defenders.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 1

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