
Sunday, May 1, 2011

From Washington


The Treasury note bill as finally passed, provides for the issuing of $150,000,000 in Treasury notes, and $50,000,000 in lieu of the demand notes issued in July, and to be substituted for them as fast as practicable.  These notes are to be receivable for all debts due to and from the United States except duties on imports, which shall be paid in coin, or demand notes heretofore authorized to be received and by law receivable in payment of public dues, and interest upon bonds and notes, which shall be paid in coin.

The notes are to be lawful money and legal tender for all purposes, except as above stated.  Depositors of notes not less than $50 are to receive in exchange bonds bearing six per cent. interest, and redeemable after five years, and payable after twenty years.  Five hundred millions of such bonds may be issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, and sold at market value for coin or treasury notes.  Receipts on imports are to be set apart as a fund for payment in coin of interest.  The other provisions are formal.

The Secretary of War’s late order is intended to apply only to war news, of a nature affording aid and comfort to the enemy, as couching intended movements.

The House committee on the conduct of the war, had a long interview with the President last night.  I learn from a member of the committee, that its members have been unanimous in all things since its organization.

The Navy and Treasury Departments have not hitherto pulled together on the question of giving permits to trade to Port Royal and Hatteras.  Mr. Welles tells Mr. Chase that he has no objection to them, if Mr. Chase chooses to grant them.  The latter says he will grant them in all cases where Mr. Welles certifies that the shipper carries necessary supplies for the use of the army and navy.  He has sent every application to Sec. Welles, being apparently afraid of breaking the blockade.  It is said that Sec. Chase issues numerous permits to trade on the coast, as well as on the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, countersigned by the surveyors of customs in the West and by special officer on the coast.  Applicants will be required to give bonds as security for their fidelity.

It is said that Gen. Sherman’s soldiers have been induced to sell their pay at discount of fifty cents on the dollar, by representations that treasury notes never would be redeemed.

The additional paymasters will probably be dropped from the rolls, the Paymaster General agreeing with the military committee that there are too many.

The amendment to the congressional apportionment bill passed both Houses; giving additional members each to Vermont, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Kentucky.

The armory committee agreed to a report in favor of a National Amory east of the Alleghanies, and armory, foundry and manufacturing arsenal west of the Alleghanies, the sites of all to be fixed by five commissioners appointed by the President, who shall send the result, together with the estimates of cost, to Congress.  These works are intended to be at different points.

Mrs. Lincoln and her youngest son, who have been quite unwell, are improving.

The steamer Baltimore, direct form Roanoke Island, reached the navy yard to-day.  She was not fired on, although the night was clear.

Dispatches from Flag-officer McKein announce the capture of a brig and two schooners, off the Southwest Pass.

The amendment of Mr. Sumner, to the effect that Stark, whose case in now pending in the Senate, being charged by affidavits with disloyalty, is not entitled to his seat until an investigation of the truth of the charges, will put the naked question to the Senate of its right to exclude a traitor, who bears credentials from the Governor of his State and is ready to take his seat.  There is an opinion that Stark will be admitted, although several Republicans protested against their votes being considered a precedent.

The Senate committee on naval affairs agreed to report a bill, reducing the salaries of the highest naval officers 20, intermediate grades 15, and in the lowest 10 per cent., and abolishing naval agencies and store keepers, and hemp and live oak agencies, these duties to be henceforth performed by regular navy officers.


Herald’s Correspondence.

The roads on both sides of the Potomac were getting into good condition rapidly, until a rain storm set in this evening, which has again rendered tem almost impassable for loaded teams.

A report that Gen. Sickles was shot at in his camp to-day is quite current this evening.  It is disbelieved.

Special to the Tribune.

A vote will probably be reached in the case of Benj. Stark, applicant for the seat of a Senator from Oregon, to-morrow or next day.  The first question will be upon the amendment of Sen. Sumner, which in effect, declares that Stark is charged by affidavits and otherwise, with disloyalty, and is not entitled to his seat until the truth of these charges shall have been investigated.  Should this amendment be voted down, Mr. Stark will be admitted to his seat.  Should it be adopted, a fair question upon the sufficiency of the evidence of disloyalty will remain.  The vote upon Mr. Sumner’s amendment will be a close one, but there is reason to fear that it will be defeated.


The following is a copy of the bill, as passed, authorizing the issue of certificates of indebtedness to public creditors:

Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of the Treasury be and hereby is ordered to cause to be issued to any public creditor, who may be desirous to receive the same, upon requisition of the head of the proper Department, in satisfaction of audited and settled demands against the U. S. certificates for the whole amount due or parts thereof.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 28, 1862, p. 1

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