
Friday, May 27, 2011

An Injunction

Admiring the energy and ability displayed by Hon. Edwin M. Stanton as Secretary of war; we have published and said many things in his favor, not one of which we desire to take back, notwithstanding he has served upon us, in common with other journals in the land; a notice that we must refrain from publication of all telegraph dispatches, correspondence, or information from whatever source obtained, that is calculated to instruct others in regard to the movements of the troops of this or any other State toward the scene of war.  We accept the hint with characteristic good nature and knowing the necessity of the case will live up to its requisitions to the best of our judgment.  The fare is said to be so good at Hotel de Lafayette, the scenery in the vicinity so charming and the railroad fare thence entirely gratuitous, that we should not be surprised of some of our hard-up editorial brethren would disobey the injunction just for the pleasure of rusticating awhile at that institution.  We won’t, that’s poz.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, March 3, 1862, p. 1

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