
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Iowa Items

The laws enacted at the recent session of the Board of Education will not go into effect till the 10th of May, when those laws, with the amendments made at the present Legislature, will be distributed to the school districts.

The office of Commissioner of Emigration has been abolished by the Legislature, the act to go into effect in May, when the term of the present commissioner, Hon. N J. Rusch, expires.

A convention of sorghum growers was held at Iowa City on the 17th, for the purpose of adopting measures preparatory to the establishment of a refinery at that city.  A committee was appointed to conduct correspondence, &c.  Extracts were red from letters from W. H. Belcher, of Chicago, who expresses the opinion that the refined sorghum molasses will eventually drive all others out of market.

A man named Keese was killed at Dubuque on the 22d inst. By falling, head down, about seventeen feet, on ice.

A wild cat was killed on the 13th inst., in Penn Township, Dubuque county.  It measured three feet ten inches in length from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail.

A few nights since, the residence of Mr. Bowman, two miles west of Adel, was consumed by fire.  The Dallas Union says the family barely escaped from their beds in time to save their lives.  The contents of the building were consumed, the family not even saving sufficient clothing to protect their persons.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 1, 1862, p. 2

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