
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Legislative Summary

The County Court Bill was up again in the Senate yesterday.  After the adoption of several amendments a motion was made to indefinitely postpone and upon it a discussion of more than usual interest arose and the motion was negatived by the decisive vote of 12 for and 30 against it; thus showing the strength of its friends in its present matured form, so great as to place it beyond the possibility of doubt.

In the House the Committee on Liquor Law presented a majority and minority report, each accompanied by a bill.  The bill of the majority provides for a more stringent prohibitory law, that of the minority for a general license law.  Both were ordered printed.  Mr. Stanton introduced a bill on the same subject, repealing the Lager Beer clause of the present law.  The bill providing for the compensation of agents of the State for reclaiming fugitives from justice was passed: also the Senate bill authorizing Boards of Supervisors to divide townships into election precincts in certain cases.  The House bill authorizing the Auditing Board to send for persons and papers and repealing that clause of the law which outlaws all claims of three months’ standing was called up, and, after a lengthy discussion, laid on the table to give members an opportunity to examine the forthcoming report of the Board, before acting on the bill. – Des Moines Register, 28th.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, March 3, 1862, p. 1

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